Change to chilean political regime: The challenge of power redistribution


  • Pamela Figueroa Universidad de Santiago de Chile
  • Tomás Jordán Universidad Alberto Hurtado


This article analyzes the current constituent process in Chile in its institutional-political context and defines it as a critical juncture, reviewing the antecedents that allow us to understand the phenomenon: the authoritarian origin of the current constitution and the transformation of Chilean society that requires updating its institutions. In view of the constitutional debate that is approaching, it analyzes the political regime, political parties, and the role of citizenship, considering citizen dialogues within the framework of the Constitutional Process Open to Citizenship convened by President Michelle Bachelet in 2016. Finally, it proposes a new institutional design, a Parliamentarian Presidentialism, which seeks a greater balance between the executive and legislative powers, and the inclusion of citizens through mechanisms of direct democracy.


Constituent Process, Chile, Political Regime, Parliamentary Presidentialism