Critical review of capitalist management of cultural diversity in forest management sustainable. An analysis of the chilean case


  • Noelia Carrasco Henríquez Universidad de Concepción
  • Ricardo Salas Astrain Núcleo de Investigación en Estudios Interculturales e Interétnicos Universidad Católica de Temuco.


The study of the capitalist management of cultural diversity starts recognizing that, in the contemporary economy, cultural diversity is no longer seen as an obstacle, but it became a variable more of its organization.This opens a fertile field of social scientific research on the new logics and local and global practices, which aim to address through the stories and practices of sustainable forest management and the analysis of forest certification in mapuche territory of Chile. Our pluridisciplinary research integrates ethnographic experience, models of social sciences and intercultural philosophical reflection, from which we conclude reaffirming that the study of cultural diversity cannot be separated today derived sociocultural complexities of capitalist globalization.