Lights and shadows: The responsibility of the main company in the special compensation for labor guardianship on the occasion of dismissal


  • Tatiana Estefania Saltos Hidalgo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador


The special compensation for labor guardianship in outsourcing has involved a number of questions regarding the solidary and subsidiary responsibility of the main company. For these purposes two clear positions have been identified, however, several of the criteria proposed by the negationist thesis have not been properly contested and, on the other hand, new approaches can be brought mainly from the Constitutional Law in favor of the one that affirms this responsibility on the part of the principal, coming, among other elements, the methods of interpretation and principles proper to this branch of law and without losing sight of the relevant rules and institutions of the Labour Code


Outsourcing, labor guardianship, responsibility, main company, funda mental rights.

Author Biography

Tatiana Estefania Saltos Hidalgo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Tatiana Estefania Saltos Hidalgo es abogada de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, becaria Agencia Chilena de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo 2020, en la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Su correo electrónico es