Concepto y rasgos de la violencia de género: particularidades desde el Derecho del Trabajo Español


  • Jaime Cabeza Pereiro Universidad de Vigo, España


The author presents the problem of gender violence, contextualizing it in the field of labor relations. States that labor law has remained oblivious to the reality of gender violence; in general, our discipline has given a crearment of gender issues from the standpoint of production, namely, equal pay, mobbing, discrimination, etc., ignoring the consequences and requirements that the victim of gender violence expects from the workplace. In this paper, we propose to change this unilateral perspective, using for that purpose the legislative tools that the Spanish legal system have.


Gender violence, Labor law, discrimination, equality, sexual harassment

Author Biography

Jaime Cabeza Pereiro, Universidad de Vigo, España

Catedrático de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social. Universidad de Vigo, España