"...For a Helen". Philosophy, rhetoric and history in the myth of the most beautiful woman


  • Mariano Nava Contreras Universidad de Los Andes


A revision of the myth of Helen is tried in four different moments, three of them pertaining to the classical Greek literature and one of then to the Modern one: Homeric epic, the Encomium by Gorgias of Leontinus, the Euripide an tragedy and the homonymous poem by Giorgos Seferis. In the four texts the myth serves as a modulator of four different messages, in the four is adapted to different discursive forms and works in different historical circumstances and contexts.


Helen, Iliad, Georgias of Leontinus, Euripides, Seferis, Myth, Classical Tradition

Author Biography

Mariano Nava Contreras, Universidad de Los Andes

Licenciado en Letras Mención Lenguas y literaturas clásicas Universidad de los Andes. Doctor en Filología Clásica Universidad de Granada.