
Meridional. Chilean Journal of Latin American Studies is pleased to invite you to participate in the dossier “Relevance of Latin American Marxism: Thinking from, with, and beyond Michael Löwy’s work”, which consists in our 21st volume, to be published in October 2023. 

Fausto Reinaga, the indian and the warlords in Bolivia


  • Fabiola Escárzaga Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, unidad Xochimilco


We will analyze the role that Fausto Reinaga assigned in various stages of his life and thought to the alliance between the indian masses and the Army to achieve the Indian Revolution in Boliva. We will dedicate especial attention to the positive assessment he made of several warlords of popular origin who, as presidents of the Republic in different moments of the history, took on anti-oligarchic and anti-feudal programs. These were opposed and defeated by the dominant elites, which managed to eliminate them and prevent the transformations that such programs had initiated. Thus, these warlords left a great footprint in the popular memory and in the thought of the first indian intellectual: Fausto Reinaga. For whom these experiences, even more than the ones of the parties directed by middle class civilians, were the ones that marked the ways of social transformation in Bolivia.


Fausto Reinaga, indianism, warlords, left military governments, Bolivia